
Kaylea Cross

What’s new in the new year

Hi everyone. Lots going on for me in the new year. I’ve spent the last month promoting myself on the web and facebook, and getting my books into some local stores to see if I can keep building my reader base. The publishing industry has been hit hard by the current economic crisis, and even the major NY houses are laying off staff. For e-pubs like my publisher, this is good news because it opens up the e-book niche even farther. Since Oprah gave the nod to the Amazon Kindle, its sales rocketed over the Christmas holidays, and so have Sony’s for its digital reader. More and more people are reading digital versions of books because they are convenient, and cheaper than buying a paperback.

For myself, my editor now has my third installment in my series, and I’ve already begun book four, featuring Rhys and Neveah. No one has picked up my Civil War novel yet, but I do have a publisher and an agent reading the full manuscript. The Vacant Chair placed second in a small contest I entered, so I know it has potential.

Other than that, I’m struggling to carve out enough time to sit and write, while not neglecting my children. A tough order to fill, but I’m doing my best.

I hope 2009 is good to all of you!

Kaylea Cross

Christmas chaos

Hi to all of you madly rushing around to get everything ready for the big day. Those of you that know me know what a huge deal Christmas is around our place. We’ve got four trees decorated plus a 9 foot by 5 foot arbor, and every nook and cranny of our Victorian gingerbread house is full of trimmings for the season. I swear my husband would love to be Santa Claus. Starting in November, he pesters everyone we know with emails about how many days left until Christmas.

In between all this holiday merrymaking and looking after our little guys (who think everybody celebrates Christmas this way), I’ve somehow found time to revise my third manuscript in my series with TWRP. No Turning Back features Ben and Samarra, who you’ll meet in Cover of Darkness. I’m going to submit it to my editor in the first week of the New Year, meeting my self-imposed deadline. Bet no one’s really surprised by that, control freak that I am.

It’s snowing like crazy here today, so I’m going to make myself a mug of cider, turn on the fireplace by one of our trees, and get another hour of editing done before my little guy wakes up from his nap.

Wishing you and your family a wondrous Christmas season,
Kaylea Cross

The Waiting Game

Well, it’s been a busy fall so far. Attended a writer’s conference here in Vancouver a few weeks ago, and one NY agent requested my full MS, which is great, but between them and some others with partials, I must sit on my hands until they get back to me. Every writer knows how frustrating this stage is. You love it, other people seem to like it, but…Can NY sell it? Historicals right now are only big if they’re Regency period. Time will tell if The Vacant Chair, my Civil War romance, will find a home. In the meantime, I’m madly finishing off the third romantic supsense in the series with TWRP, while the first, Out of Her League is due out in print on Dec. 5th, and my editor is currently working on the second, Cover 0f Darkness, which should be out next spring. Busy, busy, busy!