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Danger Close Is Live!

Woohoo, Danger Close is officially out in the wild! I can’t wait for you to read Erin and Wade’s story. It picks up right at the end of Lethal Pursuit and quickly moves stateside. I hope you enjoy the change of scenery, and Wade is a hero unlike any I’ve written before, so he holds a special place in my heart.

Purchase Links:

Danger Close will also be available at Kobo and iBooks shortly.

I’ll be running a “share and win” contest soon and doing some giveaways on Facebook as well, so stay tuned for more details!

Until then, happy reading.

Kaylea 🙂

Danger Close

I’ve got everything booked now in the publishing process, so it looks like Danger Close will be uploaded to the various distributors on April 30th, and then it’s just a matter of the file appearing in the online sites. Woot!

Since our fabulous trip to Oahu, during which a very generous reader took TWO DAYS off work to show us around and take me to all the military bases on island, I’ve been super busy puppy training. PJ is a great little guy but of course the training and housetraining are taking up tons of my time right now. He’s even got a perfect little heart marking on his right shoulder–I take this as proof that he was destined to belong to a romance author!

Right now while I’m waiting for edits to come back for Danger Close, I’m slowly working on a novella for Jake Evers (the Fed you met in the Titanium Security Series), which will launch the new series I’m starting that will feature members of the FBI’s fabled Hostage Rescue Team (HRT).

I’m also doing up mini box sets for both the last two books of the Titanium Security Series and the last three books of my Suspense Series, so look for those to release within the next month.

Hope all is well with you!

Kaylea 🙂

Cover Reveal and My New Furbaby

Some of you might not be aware yet, but I’m finishing up the next book in the Bagram Special Ops series and hoping to put it out in late April.

This fourth book will feature Erin and Sandberg, and it will be focused more on the romance and much, much less on the military detail than I have in the previous books of the series. In fact, the book begins at Bagram but takes place mostly stateside. I thought it was time for a change and it works with the story arc so I’m happy with the change of scenery.

Here’s the gorgeous cover for Danger Close:

Also, I’d like to introduce you to PJ (that’s short for Pararescue Jumper, of course).

He’s an eight week old Cavalier King Charles spaniel, but in this picture on the first time I got to meet him, he’s six weeks old. I’ve been bugging DH for ten years to allow us to get a dog, and both our boys desperately want one as well. They’ve asked Santa for a dog the past three years running, they keep asking for one as a birthday gift, and they write about a dog in their homework assignments. It’s time!

DH and I had a really bad experience with our last dog a decade ago, which is why it’s taken so long for him to agree to this (even though he’s made it clear he wants nothing to do with the dog, so this is all on me).

Anyway, I’m beside myself with excitement and can’t wait to bring him home at the end of March when we get back from vacation. The boys have no idea I’ve bought a puppy, so I’m just going to surprise them and bring him home on the 25th. I can’t wait to see their reactions!

Kaylea 🙂

Last Day of Sale!

Today’s your last day to grab Ignited and Out of Her League for just $0.99! I’ll be changing the prices tomorrow morning, so grab your copies on sale now.

Buy Links:


Happy reading!

New York Times and USA
Today bestselling author Kaylea Cross writes edge-of-your-seat military
romantic suspense. Her work has won many awards and has been nominated for both
the Daphne du Maurier and the National Readers’ Choice Awards. A Registered
Massage Therapist by trade, Kaylea is also an avid gardener, artist, Civil War
buff, Special Ops aficionado, belly dance enthusiast and former
nationally-carded softball pitcher. She lives in Vancouver, BC with her family.
You can find Kaylea through her website, Twitter, Facebook, and her blog.
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