

My New Muse

Robert E. Lee Confederate General Civil War Southern Pride South Handcrafted Handcasted Metal Pendant Handpainted Black with silvertone ballchain necklaceLook what I got in the mail today! I know, wearing this necklace makes me a geek, but I don’t care. I’m a Civil War nut and proud of it, and besides, General Lee and I share the same birthday. That makes us kindred spirits. And now he can hang around my neck and help me churn out more pages! He graduated at the top of his class at West Point, after all, and was a master of organization. If anyone can whip my muse into shape, good old Marse Robert can.

I’ve just finished reviewing galleys for my first erotic romance story that will be published under a different name, but no word yet on a release date. I’ve subbed the 2nd story of that series to my editor over at TWRP and hope to hear back soon. The two others I have with Carina Press won’t be out until winter this year.

In other news, another side benefit has come about since the death of Osama bin Laden. Since that day–literally–Navy SEAL romance books have seen a spike in sales. Including mine, Cover of Darkness. Actually, the whole series has seen a bump in sales this past month. I couldn’t be more thrilled about that, and I hope my new readers will learn something about the various branches of the Spec Ops and Special Forces world that they never knew before. That’s my favorite compliment to receive (other than the readers loving the story and my characters, of course)–that the reader appreciates the effort I’ve put into research for each book. I know I won’t always get all the details right, but I hope I always get most of them right 🙂

With my desk pretty much cleared off, I’m back working on my CCT novel, Crash and Burn. Again, I’ve had more great input from my CCT contact (thank you, A.L.!) and it’s just a matter of getting the words down now. Hope to finish off the draft within the next couple of months.

How’s everyone doing out there? If you’re in an area prone to tornadoes, I hope you and yours are keeping safe and warm. My thoughts go out to to those affected by these horrific storms this year.

Egg Hatching Day

Today’s the big day! Our eagles are about to become parents again. The first egg should begin hatching sometime today, and its sibling should join him/her two days after that. Click HERE to go to the live camera feed, and keep your eyes peeled. The weather is supposed to be decent for the next few days, so I hope at least some of you out there get to see the big event. So exciting!

I got something cool in the mail this week. My new CCT friend sent me a DVD, commemorative coin and lapel pin, just because he’s a nice guy. I’m dying to watch the DVD, but I have to hold off until I get these second round of edits finished for my first Callie Croix release, and then finish off my next ranch story.

In other exciting news, it’s finally baseball season here. It’s been extremely chilly and windy here in these parts, and I have to tell you we’re all sick to death of it. Let’s hope it warms up fast so that my weasels actually enjoy heading to the ball park!

Gotta Love the Internet: More Research Connections!

This past week I’ve been dying of a flu/strep throat/sinus infection I came down with two weeks ago when we got back from our trip. Today is the first morning I woke up and thought I’m actually going to live. I can almost breathe through one side of my nose, and though my head and face feel like they might explode if I bend over, things are looking up.

Right now I’m working on the dedication and acknowledgements for Deadly Descent. As you know I got in touch with some really cool inside sources for research on this one, and had a ball talking with them. When I e-mailed my recently retired PJ contact and asked what official title to call him in the dedication, I got a response that so typically embodies these men that I could only smile and shake my head. I’m paraphrasing, but basically his answer was, “No thanks are necessary. We’re just ordinary guys, and I’m glad I could help.”

If that doesn’t encapsulate their humility and heroism, I don’t know what does. So Weaver, if you’re ever reading this, just know you’re a hero to me and always will be no matter how much you try to downplay your years in Pararescue. So there.

Another cool thing happened too. I don’t even know how he found out about me (must have been through this blog, but I never asked him), but a retired Air Force Combat Controller (CCT) contacted me to ask how the heck a young woman from Canada became interested in CCTs. He said some people in the Air Force don’t even know about them–which I hope isn’t true–so he was curious about me. I joked that I’m a little odd, and that on top of being a Civil War superfreak, I love learning about Spec Ops stuff. I love it even more when I can put what I’ve learned into my writing and give it more realism.

Wait–what? You don’t know what a CCT is either? Not to worry, there’s a picture of one at the top of this post. Deadly Descent will introduce you to Ryan, a CCT embedded with a SEAL team out of Bagram. You’ll learn plenty about why these guys are damn handy to have with you out in hostile territory. Or in any combat mission, for that matter. At the most basic level, they’re Special Ops trained air traffic controllers that go out into harm’s way and bring a lot of firepower with them. They bring the rain. Heavy ordinance from bombers, missiles from fighter jets, or close air support from gunships, just to name a few. And that’s merely a part of their job description. I’ll be highlighting the hellish ordeal they undergo just to earn the right to be called a CCT in a later post, so stay tuned.

Anyway, this retired CCT and I chatted back and forth a few times, and I assured him that while my books are steamy romantic suspense, I make an effort to research my heroes’ line of work and add a level of detail that readers won’t find in other books of the genre. His response surprised me. He said he’s actually proud that I’m taking the time to learn about his CCT brothers and bring them into the spotlight. Even if it’s only a small spotlight.

He also said he sincerely hopes my hero gets to spend the night with a belly dancer at some point in the upcoming book 🙂 He wants to read the book, but I told him it’s pretty steamy and he probably wouldn’t like it. “Are you kidding? I love steamy!” was his reply.

He’s in his early sixties now and has been out of the game for a long while, but he offered to put me in touch with a recently retired CCT while I’m writing the draft of Crash and Burn. And he’s sending me a DVD on CCTs and a couple trinkets, just because he’s a nice guy. How awesome is that? And to think this connection literally landed in my lap (er, inbox) last Monday. Gotta love the Internet! As soon as I’m finished this latest novella, I’m back into Ryan’s book, and I’m looking forward to writing it more than ever.

So, Mr. A.L., if you’re reading this, thank you so much for taking the time to contact me. Very cool getting to “meet” you.

Damn I love what I do 🙂