
No Turning Back

Kaylea Cross week !

I’m finally home, safe and sound after all the excitement of my trip, and I’m glad to be able to put my feet up for a while. That was a wild vacation, for sure. A tsunami, a 4.6 earthquake on the big island, then exposure to some low level radiation all the way from Japan in California the day we left. Yup, home’s looking pretty good right now.

In writing news, I got word last week that Carina Press has acquired my latest naughty novella I sent them, tentatively titled Touch Me. Very excited! I love being accepted 🙂 Have to say, writing these spicy novellas has been really fun, but after finishing this next project for TWRP, I’ve got to get back to my Bagram Special Ops trilogy and finish Crash and Burn. I’ve left my poor hero in the midst of a night-time HALO jump deep behind enemy lines, and that’s just not right.

Starting today, the fabulous bloggers over at Guilty Indulgence Bookclub are featuring me on their blog for the entire week! I’m very flattered by that. I’d love some company over there, so feel free to drop by and visit with me. They’re going to feature the books in my romantic suspense series and I’ll talk more about why I love to use special ops soldiers as my heroes. But really, what’s not to love?

Also, I’m being featured at author CR Moss’s blog as well, and I’m giving away a copy of Cover of Darkness there.

Last but not least, both Cover of Darkness and No Turning Back have been nominated for best romantic suspense of 2010 by The Romance Reviews. If you’d like to vote for either of them, please follow this link.

Hope to “see” some of you at these sites this week!

Kaylea 🙂

Ben’s Vindication

Over the weekend I got word that Ben has finally bested Dec in this little rivalry going on between them, and he’s pretty damn smug about it. In the few contests I’ve entered both books, so far they’ve jockeyed for position in the top three, with Ben tying or coming in second to Dec. But this time, No Turning Back has won the 2010 Laurel Wreath Award for best romantic suspense, and Cover of Darkness came in third. So now they’re even. Of course that’s not okay with either of them, though. Hopefully a tie breaker will decide this at some point in the future, but for now the boys will just have to cope.

So Zosia, if you’re reading this, Ben’s preening with a huge grin on his face.He’s so high maintenance. Even after I’ve finished writing about him he’s still a handful. Some things never change I guess 🙂

EPIC Finalist. Twice!

This morning I was notified that two of my books, Cover of Darkness and No Turning Back, have both finaled in the EPIC (Electronically Published Internet Connection) eBook Awards Contest.

I’m very excited about this, since both of my entries finaled and that gives me a better chance of placing in the top three. Plus it’s a big contest for our corner of the publishing industry.

Relentless and Absolution didn’t qualify for this year’s contest, but I hope to enter them next year. Winners aren’t announced until March, and at this point I have no idea how many other finalists there were in the romance with mystery/suspense category. You can be sure I’ll inform you of where I placed when the time comes.

I Won!

In terms of writing, I had a pretty great weekend. I submitted my first erotic romance novella, and on Friday I got word that Romantic Times gave Relentless a 4 star rating with a glowing review, so that was pretty great. But as of about twenty minutes ago, something even better happened.

I just found out that Cover of Darkness won first place in the romantic suspense category of the Heart of Excellence Readers’ Choice Awards contest! I get an engraved trophy and everything. And, as if that wasn’t reason enough for me to think about drinking a celebratory mojito (because I rarely touch alcohol), No Turning Back won second place. You know what? I’m totally okay with coming in second to myself 🙂

I had my suspicions when I wrote the books that COD was the best of the series. I love NTB too, but it’s really graphic and I wasn’t too sure how readers would feel about that. I’m so happy people are loving my books! Luke’s is due out in a couple months, so I’ve got high hopes for that one too because it’s the most emotionally wrenching of the five. Guess we’ll have to wait and see what the consensus is.

I haven’t gotten a trophy since my last years of competitive softball in my mid-twenties, but you can bet I’m putting this one right on the mantle in my bedroom so I can see it every day. It’s going to come in very handy for those days when I doubt my ability as a writer. Fingers crossed that people will love Absolution as much as I do! Now let’s hope this will help generate a few more sales for this series 🙂