

Rhys and Luke Goodness

Yesterday I was notified that both Relentless and Absolution are finalists in the 2011 Heart of Excellence Awards! I’m very excited about this, because though they’d never say so, I think Rhys and Luke were feeling a bit left out since all the other guys have won/finaled in other RWA published contests. Winners won’t be announced until October, but at least now I’ve got some sort of accolade to put next to their books on my website.

Looking for some awesome summer reads? You’re in luck. For the next two weeks, all of us over at Writers Gone Wild are hosting a contest there. Each weekday we’ll be posting about a different sort of hero, so drop by and leave a comment for a chance to win one of two bundles of great prizes from all of us. My post will be up this Wednesday, featuring the courageous military hero and why he’s the best kind of hero. To me that’s really kind of self explanatory, but I don’t mind spelling it out for everyone 🙂

Finally, I’ve got my writing alter ego up and running over on Goodreads and Facebook. Just look me up as Callie Croix to learn about my upcoming August and November releases.

Hope you’re all having a safe and happy summer!

Aloha Bound

I’m going to Hawaii in a couple weeks, but part of me is already there because Kim Adams of SOS Aloha has hosted Luke and I over on her awesome blog. She interviewed him for this piece, which I thought was kind of neat, and we get to hear about his Valentine’s Day plans with Emily.

If you’d like to pop by and leave a comment, you’ll be entered into the contest for a copy of Absolution. And Kim’s not only an Air Force veteran; she’s made of pure awesomeness. When I told her I was coming to Hawaii (she lives there) she didn’t just say “Yay, good for you!” and leave it at that. Nuh-uh. She e-mailed to say she’s going to have a tour guide of the big island, written by a local, waiting for me at the front desk when I arrive. And she might even look into flights so we can meet up while I’m there! Talk about above and beyond the call of duty.

I swear, people in the romance community–writers, editors, agents, bloggers and reviewers–are among the most generous people on earth. I love networking like this, because it means meeting more people like Kim.

Mahalo, Kim!
Kaylea 🙂

Happy Holidays!

I want to wish all of you a very happy and healthy Christmas season and a joyous New Year. Things have been mighty hectic around our house lately, and I’ve been super sick the past three weeks with a very tenacious strain of bronchitis so it’s been tough going. I think I’m on the mend now, but I’ve torn some abdominal/intercostal muscle attachments on the right side of my ribcage and that’s slowing me down a lot. Whee!!!

On the plus side, I got word from my Carina Press editor that my manuscript with them will officially be titled Deadly Descent, and I’m pretty pleased since that was my favorite of the suggestions I sent them. I’ve also received my first few reviews for Absolution, and thus far people seem to be liking the story so that tickles me.

In other writing news, I’ll admit I’ve been a very bad, bad girl recently. I think I’ve written only a couple thousand words in my latest WIP over the past two months. That’s inexcusable and I know it. *hangs head* I’m having serious trouble getting my words flowing, and I hope I figure out what the problem is sooner rather than later! My New Year’s resolution is to finish this story and get to work on the second of my Bagram Special Ops series for Carina.

We’ve got an action packed Christmas Eve and Christmas Day ahead of us, then on the 27th we’re heading up to Whistler to stay with my brother-in-law and sister-in-law (one of my best friends that I used to play ball with, and she married my hubby’s brother) for a few days. Then my dad has rented us a place right in Whistler so after we visit with the hubby’s side up there we’ll spend a day or two with my dad, step mom, sister, step siblings and their kids. Should be fun!

Please remember to count your blessings this Christmas, and don’t forget to send out some love to our troops stationed overseas, in harm’s way and far from their families this holiday season. Let’s hope 2011 is good to us all!

Merry Christmas,
Kaylea 🙂