

Five Stars for Relentless

Another great review for Relentless, this one from The Reading Reviewer, Mary Gramlich. My military romantic suspense series (which I dearly regret not naming, by the way) is going to be featured over on the SOS Aloha blog next month, so I’ll be sure to post details. I’m happy to report that The Wild Rose Press and its owner, Rhonda Penders, have stepped up to help support the cause by donating books for military personnel and their families. Thanks Rhonda!

To read the review, click here.

New Interview

I guess the logo is pretty self explanatory, huh? Lol.

Anyway, I’m over there talking about Relentless and the final book of the series, Absolution. Okay, and I gush a little bit about Luke too 🙂 Gosh I hope I’m not the only one that’s completely in love with him! I guess I have the advantage of knowing how his book goes, but seriously, someone’s got to be aching to find out what happens to him!

In other news, I’ve recently sent out two more fulls on my PJ novel, and I’d appreciate all my readers crossing their fingers and toes for me. That makes four fulls out in total right now, but I’ve yet to hear back from any of the agents. Send out good vibes for me, okay?

Release Day!!!

It’s the official release day for Relentless! It’s book 4 of 5 in my military romantic suspense series, and it’s set here in Vancouver 🙂

This one’s lighter on the suspense than the previous two books, and heavier on the romance. And the smexin’, too! (It’s HAWT.) A few readers have asked me why I did that, since they really liked all the hair raising action in Cover of Darkness and No Turning Back. The answer is, I needed a break from the Middle East and things being blown up every other chapter. Two back-to-back novels about murder and mayhem made me want to switch gears, plus it allowed me to better show Rhys’s emotional development in the book by focusing on the relationship between him and Neveah. Tehrazzi’s still in this one, but he plays a minor role, orchestrating his next diabolical move from overseas when he activates a terrorist cell in Vancouver. It’s all right though. There’ll still be blood and delicious alpha maleness.

Today’s the last day to enter the contest over at Writers Gone Wild, so drop by and leave a comment.

Since Rhys and Ben are twins and I’m celebrating today, here’s the latest pics of the twins at my dad’s place:

Here’s the eager beaver of the two, testing his wings and almost knocking his sibling out of the nest. I love the way the other twin is cocking his head like that. It makes me think of Ben and Rhys.
Rhys jerks back and glowers at his brother. “What the hell are you doing, punk?”
Ben raises his middle wing feather and flaps harder. “Getting ready to fly, hard-ass.”

Ah, lift off! Just another few days and this little guy will be feeling the wind beneath his wings for the first time. But don’t worry, I’m sure I’ll have more pictures for you by then.

Hope you all have a great weekend!
Kaylea 🙂